Churchill 邱吉爾爵士雪茄館-The Westin Taipei 台北威斯汀六福皇宮
The Westin Taipei 台北威斯汀六福皇宮3樓的「Churchill 邱吉爾爵士雪茄館」,位於台北市商業中心,每到夜晚總是吸引時尚都會人士光臨,設計品味高雅典緻、獨具特色,上至空間陳設、下至美酒的挑選,都經過精心的規畫設計;在食物口味方面以及裝潢陳列擺設上,也多匠心獨具,細膩精緻;另外,複合式的邱吉爾爵士雪茄館結合酒吧、美食、獨立包廂等多方面功能,純正道地的爵士音樂現場演奏,消費水準乃是針對格外注重生活品味的特定族群而設定,深受許多政商、藝文界人士青睞,其尊榮之禮遇和隱密性高的特質成為社會名流特定的聚會場所、流行時尚的品味表徵。
Winston Churchill once said that man makes environment as much as it makes the man. Ones choice of consumption and environment eflects ones attitude, cultural heritage, taste and inclinations. At The Westin Taipeis Churchill, located on the third floor, guests can enjoy piano entertainment, wine and drinks in a refined atmosphere - a demonstration of the refined and elegant tastes an English gentleman and aristocrat. An humidified cigar room, individual private rooms with personal privacy are for guests who demand superb facilities, impeccable
services and amenities. The special characteristic that makes Churchill popular is privacy without any interference from the ouside world. It has become a popular gathering place for high-ranking offcials, corporate executives and celebrities.
★ 最後點餐時間:餐點 - 23:30;酒水 - 00:30