- 請務必預訂「全部用餐人數」,包含同行孩童、嬰兒人數在內。
➤ 若有孩童、嬰兒欲一同前往,請務必於填寫訂位資料「特殊需求」欄位備註該筆訂單共「幾位大人幾位小孩」及所需娃娃椅數量。
📌 優惠訂位說明
- 以上方案均可再享有最高 0.5% EZCASH回饋(一點等於一元)+ EZTABLE 指定信用卡優惠!
- 開放式座位於每個月1號凌晨00:00開放下一個月的訂位。
We will open for next month’s reservations on every 1st day of a month, i.e. April 1 will start taking bookings for entire month of May. If there’s still table open, the latest time for same day lunch booking is 11:00 and dinner 16:00; each booking takes up to 10 people. Proper attire is required. Tables for online booking have no window view. VIP room enquiries, please call the restaurant directly. Table assignment will be contingent to on the scene availability.
- 用餐請著正式服裝,男士與八歲(含)以上青年男士需穿著長度至腳跟之長褲及密頭密踭鞋;恕不接受涼鞋、拖鞋、勃肯鞋、短褲、背心;女士請避免穿著拖鞋、涼鞋等。(餐廳保有拒絕不符合服裝要求之賓客入內用餐之權利)
Please dress in formal clothing. Gentlemen and young men over the age of 8 are required to wear long trousers and close-toe shoes. Sandals, slippers, shorts, and vests are not allowed. Ladies are not allowed to wear slippers. The restaurant reserves the right to refuse guests who do not meet the clothing requirements to dine in.
- 開放式座位皆無窗景,座位依照當日現場安排為主,若有包廂的訂席需求,請主動電洽餐廳訂席人員,桌位依照當日現場安排為主。
- 預訂菜色有限量,如有需要預訂特別菜色,請儘早與訂席人員聯繫。
- 訂位預付金額 $500/人,可折抵當日現場消費。
- 此預付金額發票由 EZTABLE 開立,剩餘餐費於現場結帳。
- 特殊節日現場有最低消費,請以餐廳現場公告為主。
- 用餐期間,請降低談話音量,並請家長照顧並提醒孩童不喧嘩及奔跑,以防影響其他賓客用餐。
- 本餐廳僅提供導盲犬進入,其餘寵物全面禁止攜帶,造成不便,敬祈見諒。
- 當天若還有剩餘空位,最晚接受訂位時間為午餐 11:00、晚餐 16:00 以前 ; 每次訂位接受人數為1-10人。