頤宮中餐廳 Le Palais - 君品酒店(連續七年 米其林指南三星推薦)
▲Awarded three Michelin Stars on 《Michelin Guide Taipei》 for seven consecutive years (2018-2024) ▲
Le Palais serves all famous Chinese cuisines with hand-picked fresh ingredients, and has been awarded by the Culinary Culture Forum across Taiwan and China as one of the top ten restaurants. Le Palais serves the best Cantonese dim sum and Chinese banquet cuisines that are highly appreciated by both domestic and international diners.
「君品酒店頤宮中 餐廳」陳偉強行政主廚
陳偉強主廚為道地的廣東人,自12歲起開始於餐廳內擔任學徒,廚藝經驗累積至今已超過35年,除了最道地傳統廣東料理外,也運用創意將中國各大菜系分別融和創新,在飲食上做最突破與完美的詮釋。同時陳師傅也擁有全台不超過10位、通過嚴格考試的Servsafe Certification-全球餐飲衛生認證證書;在陳主廚過人廚藝與對餐飲細節的無比堅持下,更讓人對陳主廚的料理有著無比的信心與敬佩。
由市民大道往承德路方向,在市民大道上的右手邊看到 台北轉運站大樓後,往前 150 公尺即可看到停車場入口在右手邊。
本飯店跟京站百貨共用停車場,到達 B4 的 D 區即可看到君品酒店顧客專用停車場。
搭乘公車 304、660 可到達,或搭乘捷運至台北火車站。
專屬優惠EZCASH 紅利回饋
預訂 EZTABLE 獨家方案,預付最高可享 2% EZCASH 回饋
火焰片皮鴨四吃 Cantonese Style Crispy Roast Duck Course 広東式ローストダック,頤宮叉燒皇 Barbecue Pork チャーシュー,君品吊燒炸子雞 Crispy Deep-Fried Chicken 鶏のパリパリ素揚げ
午餐 | 12:00-14:30 | 週二,週三,週四,週五,週六,週日 |
晚餐 | 18:00-21:30 | 週二,週三,週四,週五,週六,週日 |
We do not offer window views for these reservations. Seats are based on the on-site arrangement for the day. If you would like to request for a private room, please contact our reservation staff.
Please dress in formal clothing. Gentlemen and young men over the age of 8 are required to wear long trousers and close-toe shoes. Sandals, slippers, shorts, and vests are not allowed. Ladies are not allowed to wear slippers. The restaurant reserves the right to refuse guests who do not meet the clothing requirements to dine in.
1. 用餐期間,請降低談話音量,並請家長照顧並提醒孩童不喧嘩及奔跑,以防影響其他賓客用餐。
2. 本餐廳僅提供導盲犬進入,其餘寵物全面禁止攜帶,造成不便,敬祈見諒。
In order to maintain a quiet, comfortable, and sanitary dining environment, please note the following:
1. Be mindful of your fellow patrons while dining and keep your volume to a minimum.
2. We respectfully ask parents and guardians to remind their children to refrain from being rowdy so as not to disturb other guests.
3. Pets are not allowed inside the restaurant with the exception of guide dogs.